Monday, April 1, 2013

No sugar. No carbs.

No sugar. No carbs. 

That’s the plan for the next 7 weeks. Well that’s the plan for weekdays, at least. On the weekends I’m going to eat healthy and try my best to avoid the all-you-can-eat Mexican lunch buffet at Cantina Margarita. (Yeah, I see you over-sized lycra sign, challenging me every time I drive past. And believe you me; I will maximize my ROI should I ever wander into your fine establishment.) Weekends are for letting your hair down. Or your gut out. At least I’ll bust my ass during the week so I can relax a little on the weekends.

We got the new issue of People today. One of the cover stories boasts about how much weight Christina Aguilera has lost and promises to reveal 'how she did it'. I'm a sucker for these stories. I immediately flip to the "article" to find out her secrets. Is she chewing on mint leaves? I'll do that. Is she doing an all juice cleanse with weekly enemas? Sure, if it works. Nope. All it says in this 3 paragraph "article" is that she's eating healthy and working out. And lifting some weights. Thanks People. Thanks for the tips. Dickheads.

But no sugar, no carbs. At least until Hawaii. That’s the goal.  I keep pushing the idea of a sexcation with my wife. Wish me luck. Dinner tonight was a man salad and sweet potato fries. (Please note the organic ketchup. None of that HFCS nonsense.)

Ah shit, are sweet potato fries considered a carb? I need to text Morgan and find out. Stay tuned.

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